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 Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853

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2 participants
Jaakko Järvelä

Jaakko Järvelä

Masculin Nombre de messages : 82
Age : 50
Localisation : Kaustinen, Finland
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 Empty
MessageSujet: Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853   Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 EmptyLun 30 Avr 2012 - 18:12


Link below takes you to via picasaweb album of my garage where you can find pictures of Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 serial number 62.
There are similarities with Alexandre and who knows maybe this is Alex under Schiedmayer badge.


Some of the stop faces are missing and those are in wrong order. Pedals appears to bee too narrow and changed at some time. But this instrument is future project and needs lots of attention and elbow grease to get case back almost as good as it was at factory. But most important it was free... owner considered it as a junk.

Currently I'm working around another Schiedmayer from 1893-5 and I'll post pictures later when some progress is visible.


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 207
Age : 82
Localisation : Lasalle en Cévennes
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2009

Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853   Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 EmptyMar 1 Mai 2012 - 17:24

Alexandre ? ...

Je dirais plutôt que c'est un Debain ...
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Jaakko Järvelä

Jaakko Järvelä

Masculin Nombre de messages : 82
Age : 50
Localisation : Kaustinen, Finland
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853   Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 EmptyMer 2 Mai 2012 - 7:57

Yes, there is also similarities with Debain. When discussed with Mr. Huivenaar he mentioned that ideas were "borrowed" possibly from both manufacturers. Case looks more like Alexandre. I'm not so familiar with pressure harmoniums so all information is highly appreciated.

Oui, ressemble à Debain. Lorsque discuté avec Mr. Huivenaar a mentionné qu'il peut éventuellement idées ont été empruntées à deux fabricants. Meubles ressemble Alexandre. Je ne suis pas familier avec les harmoniums de pression de sorte toutes les informations est très appréciée.
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Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853   Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853 Empty

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Schiedmayer harmonium from 1853
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