Does anyone know of the existence of a kunstharmonium with the following disposition?
Mustel made two models with the voix humaine 4' (numbered 6 instead of 9, Mustel used 9 for flûte 4'),
but these instruments lack the percussions which are called for in these works (Karg Elert - Liszt transcriptionen).
6 Contrebasse 16' is only used in the second piece where no occurence of 9 Voix humaine 4' is to be found.
(also numbered
7 voix humaine 4' more correctly by the composer in a different score)
I think no single kunstharmonium has both the contrebasse and voix humaine, but please correct me if I'm wrong, I'd love to see one like it.
PS: note that according to this chart the Métaphone (bass) only works for register 3,4,5. It's clear the publisher modified the
standard kunstharmonium table to include the 2 additional registers and forgot to update the métaphone information as
it should work on registers 3,4,5,6 and probably 9, ..unless the voix humaine is a soft sounding register, does anyone have
more information about it? Best, Nils