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 Mustel in Portugal

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4 participants


Masculin Nombre de messages : 5
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2020

Mustel in Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Mustel in Portugal   Mustel in Portugal EmptyLun 9 Nov 2020 - 22:57

Dear members of this forum. Sorry to write in English.
I’m a Portuguese organist and begun my musical studies in a seminary where I begun playing daily masses with 13 years old in old harmoniums, almost of them with suction system. Our big church, reserved only for big celebrations, has a “old” Ruffatti form the 60’s where the conservatory classes had the organ classes. In the middle of the church there was also an harmonium, but the very few times I played it, I found it very hard to play, I was a boy. It was difficult to keep a steady wind pressure. The old priest who gave us piano classes said to me: “oh boy, this is a French harmonium, you must pay attention”. I did understand it was a special one, but didn’t pay attention it.
Well, after almost 30 years, I was invited to play the harmonium part of Schreker symphony with orchestra, and of course I returned to the seminary to practice on that harmonium. Arrived there, the instrument at the same place as ever, lonely in the darkness. Opened it and.... it’s a MUSTEL!! My city has a Mustel from around 1909 and I’ve never noticed it!! Is it even possible??
The instrument is almost in original state, the case was given a treat 20 years ago, wood inside is perfect. Some things need easy restoring, the tunning almost perfect, very few mute reeds. It has still a glorious sound, even without use! Incredible!

Now I need your help. I want to investigate how many Mustel organs exits or existed in portugal. For that I need the Mustel factory records showing the instruments sold to other countries and the names of the buyers and/or retailers.

Does anyone know where to find it?

Thanks a lot!
Joao Santos

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 5
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 09/11/2020

Mustel in Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mustel in Portugal   Mustel in Portugal EmptyMar 10 Nov 2020 - 16:36

joaomus a écrit:

Dear members of this forum. Sorry to write in English.
I’m a Portuguese organist and begun my musical studies in a seminary where I begun playing daily masses with 13 years old in old harmoniums, almost of them with suction system. Our big church, reserved only for big celebrations, has a “old” Ruffatti form the 60’s where the conservatory classes had the organ classes. In the middle of the church there was also an harmonium, but the very few times I played it, I found it very hard to play, I was a boy. It was difficult to keep a steady wind pressure. The old priest who gave us piano classes said to me: “oh boy, this is a French harmonium, you must pay attention”. I did understand it was a special one, but didn’t pay attention it.
Well, after almost 30 years, I was invited to play the harmonium part of Schreker symphony with orchestra, and of course I returned to the seminary to practice on that harmonium. Arrived there, the instrument at the same place as ever, lonely in the darkness. Opened it and.... it’s a MUSTEL!! My city has a Mustel from around 1909 and I’ve never noticed it!! Is it even possible??
The instrument is almost in original state, the case was given a treat 20 years ago, wood inside is perfect. Some things need easy restoring, the tunning almost perfect, very few mute reeds. It has still a glorious sound, even without use! Incredible!

Now I need your help. I want to investigate how many Mustel organs exits or existed in portugal. For that I need the Mustel factory records showing the instruments sold to other countries and the names of the buyers and/or retailers.

Does anyone know where to find it?

Thanks a lot!
Joao Santos

Forgot to say that this is the number 2094/1102!
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Dominique Lavabre

Dominique Lavabre

Masculin Nombre de messages : 435
Age : 78
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010

Mustel in Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mustel in Portugal   Mustel in Portugal EmptyMer 11 Nov 2020 - 10:26

Fine story !
Welcome on this forum and... obrigado !
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1212
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

Mustel in Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mustel in Portugal   Mustel in Portugal EmptyMer 11 Nov 2020 - 17:59

Hello and welcome!
Quite an interesting story.
The instrument looks gorgeous (I saw the pictures on facebook).

About the registers, they do exist, acces is not easy, but mostly, they are probably not sorted by country. This means you should real the whole ledgers to sport the Portugal addresses. Quite a long and tedious job, as there were nearly 3000 instruments produced, all type counted (harmoniums, celestas and pianos).

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Wannes Vanderhoeven

Wannes Vanderhoeven

Masculin Nombre de messages : 55
Age : 52
Localisation : Malines (B)
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2009

Mustel in Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mustel in Portugal   Mustel in Portugal EmptyLun 12 Avr 2021 - 23:08

Caro colega João Santos,

Se calhar tenho uma informação interessante para si.
Pode mandar uma mensagem pela Facebook?
No verão, normalemente estarei na minha casa em Portugal (Ribatejo), sempre há possibilidade para uma encontra informal.

Até breve!
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Mustel in Portugal Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mustel in Portugal   Mustel in Portugal Empty

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Mustel in Portugal
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