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2 participants
Tomaz Sevsek Sramel

Tomaz Sevsek Sramel

Nombre de messages : 10
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2009

mustel-studio Empty
MessageSujet: mustel-studio   mustel-studio EmptyDim 8 Nov 2009 - 22:21

I've just got a Mustel-Studio from the Czech Republic, the number is 2732-172.
Here are my first three questions:

- after trying to date the harmonium I noticed all numbers around the above one have 4 digits at the end (mine has only three). Any suggestions why? I think it was made in 1921/22, is that right?

- the harmonium is in the original condition, the only alteration seems to be that somebody disconnected the mechanical action for the Expression. I would like to repair it, but I probably have to open (lift up) the Double-Expression box. I don't want to mess too much with it, since it seems very complicated, so I would like to ask if anybody has a technical drawing of the Expression box (beneath the Double Expression). It would help a lot. Otherwise the Double Expression seem to work, but without an Expression it doesn't do anything.

- some porcelains are missing, so I would like to know if anybody can write the names (disposition) of the Mustel-Studio from that time.

Oh, could you please write in English or German?

Thank you very much,
looking forward to hear from you.

Tomaz Sevsek Sramel
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Olivier Schmitt
Olivier Schmitt

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1377
Age : 44
Localisation : France, Lorraine, Moselle, région messine
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

mustel-studio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: mustel-studio   mustel-studio EmptyLun 9 Nov 2009 - 7:22

The expression mecanism is under double expression box. In fact you don't have to flip the double expression box. Attention for the kneepads and their lever wich move from out of the case to the double expression box.

mustel-studio Double10

You can find informations about Mustel Studio at this page : http://mustel.monsite.wanadoo.fr/

And about Mustel Studio : http://mustel.monsite.wanadoo.fr/page5.html
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Tomaz Sevsek Sramel

Tomaz Sevsek Sramel

Nombre de messages : 10
Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2009

mustel-studio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: mustel-studio   mustel-studio EmptyLun 9 Nov 2009 - 7:48

Thanks for a very fast answer... so you think, I detach the levers for the kneepads, and than unscrew small screws on both sides of each part of the box and that lift the Double Expression box up?

Can you give me some more information on where to find the technical drawings, plans, etc. of Mustels (Studio), like the one you have sent? Are those from sales-catalogues, are there any reprints, publications? I've seen, there is a Mustel-Studio Catalogue in Mark Richli's Collection, any other hints before I contact him?
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Olivier Schmitt
Olivier Schmitt

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1377
Age : 44
Localisation : France, Lorraine, Moselle, région messine
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

mustel-studio Empty
MessageSujet: Re: mustel-studio   mustel-studio EmptyLun 9 Nov 2009 - 7:57

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MessageSujet: Re: mustel-studio   mustel-studio Empty

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