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 Bach, Bach, chorales and New Year's Eve

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

Bach, Bach, chorales and New Year's Eve Empty
MessageSujet: Bach, Bach, chorales and New Year's Eve   Bach, Bach, chorales and New Year's Eve EmptyMer 29 Déc 2010 - 12:16

The flow of weekly Bach chorales has been delayed due to injuries caused by a (minor) car accident. This will result that a "full year of Bach chorales" will be finished in january and even maybe february.

For 'New Year's Eve' we planned three parts of Bach's "Kunst der Fuge Contrapunctus" on three different reed organs (Mannborg (suction), Mustel and a symphonic Hörügel (suction). It is now sure due to the car accident the Hörügel part will not be recorded. Parts Mannborg and Mustel will be online tomorrow.

All soundtracks will be on the Bach Chorale page, and will be on the homepage with a link to the relevant sub page.

And maybe, just maybe, there will be a soundtrack of the new recording by Annie Lennox, Christmas songs, featuring various models of reed organs.

Check the website to make sure you won't miss the soundtracks.


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Bach, Bach, chorales and New Year's Eve
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