A continent is one of several large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, with seven regions commonly regarded as continents—they are (from largest in size to smallest):
1. Asia
2. Africa
3. North America
4. South America
5. Antarctica
6. Europe
7. Australia.
Inhabitants of 6 of them visit
www.harmoniumnet.nl on a regular base and with a rather consistent frequency.
The ‘sad’ thought is that up until now no visitors from Antarctica have been registered. Despite the fact that the website has 168 sound clips and soundtracks.
And how does one trigger visits from Antarctica? By sending a promotional message to the scientist working on Antarctica.
The response was fast. And now we can make the statement that visitors of harmoniumnet.nl are coming from all SEVEN continents.
So, where is the guy owning an 2 rank Estey folder to go there and to entertain the vast amount of scientists on Antarctica by playing the reed organ. The player must have a doctorate to make it even more impressive.