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 Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)

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2 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) EmptyMer 21 Mar 2012 - 9:09

For quite some time I have tried to find a photocopy of the Mustel brevet d'invention 'Celesta'.

I need a FULL photocopy with all the drawings.

I need this for a brochure for a paper.

At the moment I have over 60 published books with references to the Celesta history, the total number of references I have is about 130.

Because I am trying to find proof about encyclopedias publishing topics that are proven to be citations form earlier publiciations, there is a system of copying the wrong information.

That is why I need a copy of the original Brevet.

How hard I try, I could not find such a copy. Maybe someone of you in France can get hold of a GOOD and CLEAR photocopy. And of course I will pay for the fees asked by the BNF.

I would be very, very gratefull if I can have that BEFORE 31-03-2012, I am visiting a conference about the same topic as my master thesis.
I have a transcript of the brevet in both French and German, but NOT the PHOTOCOPY of the ORIGINAL.

Please, anyone help me out with this problem?


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1212
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) EmptyMer 21 Mar 2012 - 10:17

Dear Frans ;

you can write directly to the INPI :

They will send you copies of the complete patent (drawings included) for a reasonnable amount of money.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) EmptyMer 21 Mar 2012 - 11:04

Mathieu a écrit:
Dear Frans ;

you can write directly to the INPI :

They will send you copies of the complete patent (drawings included) for a reasonnable amount of money.

Yes, I know, I have tried multiple times. But it seems they don't react upon requests in English. I once tried it on the phone. And there was not one that could speak English......

So, I tried your link.

Recherche: Mustel - inconnu.
Recherche: Celesta - n'existe pas ...
Recherche: Typophone - n'existe pas

Brillian system....

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1212
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) EmptyMer 21 Mar 2012 - 16:19

Oh, I'm sorry that there is no answer to question from abroad...
I think the online database is not extended until the years concerning the Mustel patents for celesta.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) EmptyMer 21 Mar 2012 - 20:01

Mathieu a écrit:
Oh, I'm sorry that there is no answer to question from abroad...
I think the online database is not extended until the years concerning the Mustel patents for celesta.

The website clearly states that all berevets from 1844 till 1901 are there.

So, if someone in France can find it and buy it, I will pay for it. And afterwards I will share it to all members. They are not going to sue me for 14 euro :-)

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) EmptyLun 26 Mar 2012 - 15:36

Harmoniumnet a écrit:
Mathieu a écrit:
Oh, I'm sorry that there is no answer to question from abroad...
I think the online database is not extended until the years concerning the Mustel patents for celesta.

The website clearly states that all berevets from 1844 till 1901 are there.

So, if someone in France can find it and buy it, I will pay for it. And afterwards I will share it to all members. They are not going to sue me for 14 euro :-)


In the mean time I have received a copy of the original document in full, including the drawings. And I have a transcription in French, and a certified translation into German.

Thanks for the help.
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Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)   Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886) Empty

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Brevet 176530 (02-06-1886)
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