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 LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium

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2 participants


Masculin Nombre de messages : 168
Age : 57
Localisation : Brésil
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2012

LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  Empty
MessageSujet: LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium    LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  EmptySam 21 Avr 2012 - 4:43

Dear friends,

Does anybody have a copy of the

"AVE MARIA" (for tenor, harp & harmonium) by R. Leoncavallo ?

It's also called "Preghiera" and has been written as a homage to Pope Pius X.

There's a short audio sample of it:

I would be so grateful if someone would agree to share the score with me.

Thanks in advance,

Dib Franciss (dibfranciss@gmail.com)
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Julien G.

Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2009

LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium    LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  EmptyVen 29 Juin 2012 - 15:39

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 168
Age : 57
Localisation : Brésil
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2012

LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium    LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  EmptyVen 29 Juin 2012 - 18:44

Thank you, Julien G. I appreciated your response.
This is a very rare sheet to find for free on the internet, and I really don't know why. Since the composer is almost 100 years dead, it should be already available.
I already bought it for a very exepnsive price, and just after a while a friend from this forum has being generous and shared it with me...
Anyway, thanks again for the tip of the website.
If anyone here is interested for a free copy, I can send it gladly. Just contact me by private message with your email address then I will send it to you.

Best wishes,

Dib Franciss
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LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium    LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium  Empty

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LEONCAVALLO, Ave Maria, for tenor, harp & harmonium
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