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 Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium

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4 participants


Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyVen 15 Fév 2013 - 13:41

Hello everyone,

this week I discovered a new very fascinating instrument made by Schiedmayer. It concerns a 2 manual harmonium, which is currently being restored by Klaus Langer.
The instrument is for sale! contact info: http://www.harmonium-werkstatt.de/

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Schied10

So, what is interesting about this (art)harmonium?

1. Double Expression

First of all it has a double expression, but unlike Mustel 2-manual harmoniums, this mechanism still controls the balance left-right (instead of upper manual - lower manual).
The splitpoint e/f is at the same octave position as a regular pressure (art)harmonium. (2-manual harmoniums by Mustel have this "teilung" an octave lower)

The big advantage of this unique system is the fact that when you play coupled manuals this harmonium functions as a normal artharmonium. You can play the repertoire on it!

2. Registers

it is one of the biggest harmoniums I have ever seen:
9 ranks in the bass, 11 in the treble.

complete stoplist:

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium 2_manu10

=> a complete undamaris 8' (most of the times this register is only available from second C to e)
=> 2 harpe eoliennes 8' !!!
=> you can choose the 2 ranks of the Vox Angelica separately: one rank is still named "vox angelica" the other one "Gamba"

in total this instrument has 10 x 29 + 14 x 37 = 290 + 518 = 808 reeds...

3. Extra keys!

this harmonium has 5 additional keys in the treble, extending the range to high F!

4. a Dominator?

This instrument was probably built around 1920. Although no "dominator" name tag is to be found, there are many similarities:
-same registers (some different names, f.e.: Basstuba 16' instead of bourdon 16')
-same wood/keyboard design
-same heel levers, double expression, prolongement, metaphones etc.
-same design of knobs
-presence of a little switch to make the Basstuba 16' only work in the lowest octave.

some other differences which were not yet discussed:
-no fortes expressifs
-no 4' in the treble
-some registers have a mechanism to draw them "half". This way the register will sound softer = sourdine ("piano" version of the respective register)
-no "prolongement piano"

I have never seen another harmonium like this one

some pictures:

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium 110

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium 210

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium 310

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium 4_tiff10

I will post pictures of the case once I receive them.


Dernière édition par Nils Van der Plancken le Jeu 21 Mar 2013 - 16:44, édité 2 fois
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Nombre de messages : 103
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptySam 16 Fév 2013 - 6:46

Very interesting instrument!
Have you been in Duesseldorf to play it?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptySam 16 Fév 2013 - 10:23


Dernière édition par Nils Van der Plancken le Sam 16 Fév 2013 - 11:26, édité 1 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptySam 16 Fév 2013 - 11:26

No, unfortunately not, have you? Smile
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyDim 17 Mar 2013 - 20:19

I just discovered this video on youtube:

It seems to be an instrument from the same series..
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1220
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyLun 18 Mar 2013 - 8:57

It looks like an amazing instrument, but in need for some work...
And perhaps a more appropriate repertoire ! Wink
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 16:54

It seems like the second instrument is completely different! It concerns a pedal harmonium.
Here's an other picture:

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Schied11

manual I:

Subbas 16'
Bordon 16' - Clarinette 16'
Basson Flote 8’ - Seraphone 8’
Engl. Horn 8’ - Hohl Flote 8’
Diapason 8’ - Melodia 8’
Principal 4’ - Piccolo 4’

manual II:

Gamba 8’ - Oboe 8’
Sirene 8’ - Aeoline 8’
Viola Dolce 4’ - Salicional 8’
Viola 4’- flote 4’
Cornet Echo 2’ - Piccolo 2’
Aeol. Harfe 2’- Musette 16’
Voix Coelestis 16’

Oct. Koppel
Man. Koppel
Forte II. Man.
Forte I. Man.


Subbas 16’ Crescendo I
Echo 16’ Crescendo II
Violon Cello 8’ Crescendo III
Choral Bas 4’ Forte
Cornet 2’ Tutti
Pedal Forte Pleno
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 168
Age : 57
Localisation : Brésil
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptySam 23 Mar 2013 - 23:15

Indeed, Nils... it is an impressive harmonium !
I got to say I really appreciated the composition he plays. Do you know which piece is this?
I posted a message there on the video and used Google translate to slovenian, hope he answers me.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyLun 25 Mar 2013 - 11:18

No, I don't know the piece he's playing, but I can/will certainly ask him for you!
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 168
Age : 57
Localisation : Brésil
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyLun 25 Mar 2013 - 13:06

Thank you, Nils!
I'm eager to identify this piece.
Hope he answers and we'll be able to find a copy of it.
Best wishes,
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium EmptyLun 25 Mar 2013 - 13:54

in the meanwhile I received a new picture of the first harmonium, makes me wish I had the money for it Smile

Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Schied12
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Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium   Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium Empty

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Huge 2 manual Schiedmayer art harmonium & pedal harmonium
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