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 Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???

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3 participants


Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

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MessageSujet: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyLun 16 Juil 2012 - 19:16


I absolutely love the Impressionen opus 102 of Karg-Elert, but does anyone know where to find the kunstharmonium version wich is used
on the two recordings below.


The version for sale on www.bnote.de doesn't even have registrationnumbers..

(Does anyone know if the "ferryman's song" really comes from this opus? the video says it does, but I can't see it in the list mentioned on bnote.de

If anyone would own a kunstharmonium version of one of his works excluding those in the list below, please let me know!!!!

-Partita opus 37
-Suite d'après Rameau
-Klassische Meisterstudien (2 volumes)
-1ste Sonate opus 36
-2de sonate opus 46
-Tröstungen: 8 regiliöse stimmungsbilder
-Silhouetten opus 29
-Poesien opus 35
-Sonatine opus 14 nr 1, 2 &3
-8 Konzertstücke opus 26
-Orchestrale studien opus 7
-Intarsien opus 76
-Aquarellen: 5 charakteritische stücken opus 27
-Renaissance opus 57
-2 Liszt Transkiptionen
-Madrigale opus 42
-5 Minaturen opus 9
-Innere stimmen opus 58
-6 Brahms walzer
-Näher, Mein Gott zu Dir!
-Wagner transkriptionen (2 boeken)
-Tchaikovsky transkriptionen.
-2 Minaturen
-2 Expressionismen
-2 Sensibilismen

thank you,
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Olivier Schmitt
Olivier Schmitt

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1381
Age : 44
Localisation : France, Lorraine, Moselle, région messine
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyLun 16 Juil 2012 - 19:52

Search cathedral music editions. I founded all KE's hamoniumwork by those and bnote.
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Nombre de messages : 103
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010

Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyMar 17 Juil 2012 - 4:22

You can find the Intarsien on Joris Verdins site:


For the rest b-note and, as Olivier said, cathedral music. Some of his pieces are for "Normalharmonium" (suction), not for pressure / art harmonium.
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Nombre de messages : 103
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010

Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyMar 17 Juil 2012 - 4:55

In the Cathedral music edition of the Impressionen you can find the registrations for the pieces for both, pressure and suction harmoniums, in a table. The music itself has letters (a,b,c....) where you have to change the registration according to the table. I am surprised the b-note edition doesn't include this table.
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Nombre de messages : 103
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010

Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyMar 17 Juil 2012 - 10:09

By the way, I guess you know ISMLP?

They have many harmonium works, also some by Karg-Elert:


You can download e.g. the First Harmonium Sonata. 2 Minaturen, 2 Expressionismen and 2 Sensibilismen are from the Elementarharmoniumschule that you can also download there for free.


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyMar 17 Juil 2012 - 18:39

Hello Olivier & Christoph,

thank you for your informative replies!!

I don't own the bnote version! So the table might be there aswell, but there are not letters (a, b, c etc...) in that version,
at least not in the sample score..so I guess it's still the wrong version after all? I have already contacted Richard from
cathedralmusic concerning other stuff, so he will surely help me out! I have been a longtime imslp user Smile unfortunately
most scores are the organ versions or 4,5jeux versions.

Olivier, allow me to congratulate you with your beautiful interpretation of "Adoration". I'm preparing myself to record
two other pieces of this opus 26. I will upload them soon on the forum.

Many thanks,


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Olivier Schmitt
Olivier Schmitt

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1381
Age : 44
Localisation : France, Lorraine, Moselle, région messine
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find???   Karg-Elert: Impressionen opus 102, where to find??? EmptyMer 18 Juil 2012 - 6:35


Merci pour votre remarque sur ma vidéo. J'en ai d'autres à faire (les 3 Morceaux op. 1 de Saint-Saëns, réenregistrement de la Sonatine en mi mineur de KE, 3e et 4e Sonates de Guilmant, 3 Esquisses musicales de Bizet, etc.). Ça prend beaucoup de temps...

Je suis aussi à nouveau dans l'op. 26 de KE. Je vais monter tout le recueil, mais je travaille ça tranquillement (j'ai un gros programme d'orgue en ce moment).




Thank you for your remark on my video. I have it the others to make (3 Pieces op. 1 of Saint-Saëns, re-recording of the Sonatina in E minor of KE, 3rd and 4th Sonatas of Guilmant, 3 Musical Sketches of Bizet, etc.). That needs a lot of time...

I am so again in the op. 26 of the KE. I am going to play all the collection, but I work that quietly (I've now a lot of work for organ).

Best Regards,


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