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 Sibelius played with free reeds.....

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2 participants
Jaakko Järvelä

Jaakko Järvelä

Masculin Nombre de messages : 82
Age : 51
Localisation : Kaustinen, Finland
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011

Sibelius played with free reeds..... Empty
MessageSujet: Sibelius played with free reeds.....   Sibelius played with free reeds..... EmptyMer 17 Déc 2014 - 18:37

....not using harmonium but harmonica's.

Finnish harmonica band Sväng has uploaded their teaser to youtube to honor 150th birthday of Jean Sibelius.
Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aoo0aKjIuV0

BR, Jaakko
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Jean-François Baudon

Masculin Nombre de messages : 494
Age : 66
Localisation : Epernay - France
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2012

Sibelius played with free reeds..... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sibelius played with free reeds.....   Sibelius played with free reeds..... EmptyMer 17 Déc 2014 - 21:04

Thank you Jaakko, it's very beautyful ! I hope to hear more in 2015 Very Happy

BR, Jean-François
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Sibelius played with free reeds.....
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