Full art harmonium and apparently seller knows exactly what he's selling, maybe someone from this forum?
Best Regards Jaakko
Nombre de messages : 4 Age : 60 Localisation : Rothenthurm Schwyz Suisse Date d'inscription : 24/07/2015
Sujet: Cette Mustel 1927 style K c'est le mien Ven 24 Juil 2015 - 14:34
without having known this forum, i bought this Mustel, and yes seller is a prominent user of this forum. It will be now professionally restored next year.
regards Walter
Jaakko Järvelä
Nombre de messages : 82 Age : 51 Localisation : Kaustinen, Finland Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011
Sujet: Re: Mustel harmonium d'art # 3241–1489 in ebay Sam 25 Juil 2015 - 14:00
Congratulations of your purchase. Who is the lucky restaurer who gets to work with this instrument? I think we all would like to see more pictures of instrument and restoration progress.
Best Regards Jaakko
Nombre de messages : 4 Age : 60 Localisation : Rothenthurm Schwyz Suisse Date d'inscription : 24/07/2015
Sujet: See the Mustel before restauration Lun 27 Juil 2015 - 6:44
In order to document the mediocre Condition i was doing 2 performances in Youtube:
Fast loud and furious: Slow piano and soft:
For the offer i made many many more pictures from the inside of the instrument. You asked me whether there will be some pictures of the restauration. You will see them in some time on http://www.o-h-r.com/aktuell.html
At the moment he is working on a Mustel celesta, a Schmiedmayer Dominator, and a Lindholm Organ 2mp. The restorer has a big list of Pictures of his done instruments on this sites, nice to see under the cover without screedriver...
regards Walter
Nombre de messages : 1222 Age : 47 Localisation : Lyon & sud-Aveyron Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009
Very interesting instrument ! Thanks for the link with the videos, and the pictures too.
Jaakko Järvelä
Nombre de messages : 82 Age : 51 Localisation : Kaustinen, Finland Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011
Sujet: Re: Mustel harmonium d'art # 3241–1489 in ebay Mar 28 Juil 2015 - 19:01
Great, we'll see when your instrument pop's up onto Thomas pages.
Thank you for the information and welcome to forum.
Best Regards Jaakko
Nombre de messages : 103 Age : 53 Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010
Sujet: Re: Mustel harmonium d'art # 3241–1489 in ebay Mer 29 Juil 2015 - 8:56
If the restorer needs any pictures of a similar instrument to reconstruct missing parts you can contact me or visit me in Heidelberg. I have a similar instrument, maybe you have already seen it:
Mine is still not fully restored, but in a somewhat playable condition.
Nombre de messages : 4 Age : 60 Localisation : Rothenthurm Schwyz Suisse Date d'inscription : 24/07/2015
Sujet: Paper for the bellets Lun 11 Avr 2016 - 22:33
Last Weekend i was bringing this Mustel to Thomas Reilich www.o-h-r.com for restauration.
Marc Richli (or the swiss expert how he is called in this forum) was telling me that there was a napped dark green Paper instead of the blue paper used everywhere to cover bellows, which also was used by bookbinders at the time for the cover of French Books. Does anybody know by chance whether this paper is still available somewhere? - and how it looks like exactly?
Thanks and regards Walter
Nombre de messages : 1222 Age : 47 Localisation : Lyon & sud-Aveyron Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009
Sujet: Re: Mustel harmonium d'art # 3241–1489 in ebay Mar 12 Avr 2016 - 8:16
Some later instruments seem to have had some thick dark blue paper on their pumps (see Mustel N°2324 on this forum for instance). Otherwise, what you are looking for is some starch-filled cloth, generaly used for book binding.
But possibly in any good book binding shop closer to you.
Certains instruments un peu tardifs chez Mustel avaient leurs pompes recouvertes de papier bleu somble épais et glacé (voir Mustle N°2324 par exemple). Sinon, ce que vous cherchez est une toile amidonnée utilisée généralement en reliure. Vous pouvez en trouver chez Relmas à Paris, ou sans doute chez Russels en Angleterre. Mais aussi dans tous les bons magasins de reliure plus près de chez vous.
Nombre de messages : 4 Age : 60 Localisation : Rothenthurm Schwyz Suisse Date d'inscription : 24/07/2015
Sujet: Restauration est fini Mar 28 Nov 2017 - 8:27