Harmonium et Anches Libres
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 Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux

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3 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 64
Age : 55
Localisation : Allemagne
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2013

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Empty
MessageSujet: Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux   Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux EmptyJeu 16 Juil 2015 - 23:38

An elegant model made by "Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart" - built around 1898 - the bellows were very well received - it has an incredible sound - Question: Does anyone have a catalog Schiedmayer in which these models are mapped and described?

Disposition - 4 Jeux / 4 Ranks without Percussion - sounds very full and warm - the individual timbres are very different and well to mix - very pointed, powerful Clairon / Flageolet 4´ and a sharp and nasal Basson / Hautbois 8´

T - Tremblant
F - Forte
4 - Hautbois 8'
3 - Flageolet 4´
2 - Clarinette 16'
1 - Flöte 8'

E - Expression
G - Grand Jeu

1 - Cor Anglais 8'
2 - Bourdon 16'
3 - Clairon 4'
4 - Basson 8'
F - Forte
S - Sourdine

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1810

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1811

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1812

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1813

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1814

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1815

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1816

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Img_1817

Stef de Bretagne aime ce message

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1214
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux   Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux EmptyVen 17 Juil 2015 - 7:22

Magnificent instrument !!!
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Jos Vlietstra

Jos Vlietstra

Nombre de messages : 13
Age : 73
Localisation : Les Pays-bas
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2013

Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Empty
MessageSujet: Exactly the same   Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux EmptyLun 25 Oct 2021 - 19:01


I have exactly the same model Schiedmayer, only the kneelevers are missing

Love to receive more photo in order to get a proper restauration !
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Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux   Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux Empty

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Schiedmayer Pianofortefabrik Stuttgart - 4 Jeux
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