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 Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter

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Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter Empty
MessageSujet: Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter   Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter EmptyDim 1 Aoû 2010 - 20:31

Sorry for English.

A world premiere: Organharmonium

In 2008 German organbuilder Markus Lenter created a Orgelharmonium based on a 1857 Francesco Bruni harmonium.

A peculiarity of this Bruni instrument is that ALL reeds are mounted vertical in the usual horizontal reed pan. Thus creating a sound with ‘Helligkeit’ (Clarity) and Präsens (presence) with resulting in a clear amount of harmonics.

I have heard this instrument June 27th 2008 at its location, the local Evangelic Lutheran Church of Tamm in the German province Baden-Württemberg, close to Stuttgart. The instrument is still there in the churches Choir.

A page about the instrument is under construction, it is however online yet. At this url:

Now, over 2 years later, Markus Lenter presented a recording of this combination instrument. So this compact disc is a world premiere. This will be the first time it can be heard outside of Tamm Bartholomäus Kirche.

That is why I have online one FULL soundtrack. I have chosen this track because the player, Cantor Burkhard Pflomm explicitely mentioned that the soundtrack starts with harmonium only, and during the piece the organpipes are added to the sound.

Hence the title ‘Die neue Form(el) der Klänge’ (the new form(ula) of sound’)

Distinctive property of the combination instrument is that the harmonium part is still 100% a harmonium. It can be taken out and still be played.

The harmonium part is linked to the pipedivision by mechanical connections.

This is the page to visit to see the full track list and the Sound clip


To remember: The recording is in the Luister section of the website. The instrument itself is in the History section, under Harmonium builders > Lenter Orgelharmonium.

And again: Enjoy it.

By the way: Should you be interested to obtain a cd, please contact ME, so I can make an estimate of how many of you would like to buy this disc. I will let you know through this list what the price of the disc will be postage and packing included.

Finally, of course I have listened to the recording, multiple times now. And I am really impressed. We have to realize there is no ‘repertoire’ for this type of instrument. And it is my firm impression that Burkhard Pflomm and Markus Lenter have succeeded in finding adequate music for this Orgelharmonium.

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Olivier Schmitt
Olivier Schmitt

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1384
Age : 44
Localisation : France, Lorraine, Moselle, région messine
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter   Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter EmptyLun 2 Aoû 2010 - 11:33

Quel instrument!
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Bastien Milanese
Bastien Milanese

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1299
Age : 39
Localisation : Val d'Oise + Ariège
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2009

Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter   Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter EmptyLun 2 Aoû 2010 - 12:07

étonnant ! ... et magnifique.
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Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter   Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter EmptyLun 2 Aoû 2010 - 15:19

Bastien Milanese a écrit:
étonnant ! ... et magnifique.

Et maintenant, mes dames et monsieurs,

La page contenue VINGT photodaguerrotypes... :-) Et le plan a voyage à Tamm ( Nord du Stuttgart)

Et le cd ? Over 70 downloads now.....
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Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter   Prmière du monde:  Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter Empty

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Prmière du monde: Le premier CD "Orgue-harmonium' Lenter
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