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 harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression

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2 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

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MessageSujet: harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression   harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression EmptyDim 29 Mai 2011 - 16:28

They exist, they work. They are fine instruments. They are rare and seldom found.

From previous messages coming from me, you might know that Suction Reed Organs with expression & double expression are rare.
As far as I know they were only built in Germany.
Should I be wrong in this statement, I would be glad to know where they were built too.

On May 14th we had a special event in the North of Holland, the provine of Friesland. There we had an event featuring 9 harmoniums,
1 pure suction, 12 ranks on two manuals,
3 Pressure harmoniums (Kotikiewicz 9 rks; a six rank Hinkel, 1 8 rks Mustel
5 suction instruments with expression, 4 of them with double expression.

A new page was created to show you the effect of this event.

First there is the page (still under construction) with a report in the style of an allegory. The organs seems to have voices and talk to the visitors.
I can't help it. I really did hear their voices in my mind.

Okay, so you go off to: www.harmoniumnet.nl
On top of the opening page you see the link to the event: Dag van het Noorden.
On the page is a link to a web album featuring over 100 pictures of the event.
With lots of detailed pictures of the instruments in the event.

Enjoy it!


Dernière édition par Harmoniumnet le Mar 14 Juin 2011 - 7:29, édité 1 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1215
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression Empty
MessageSujet: Re: harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression   harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression EmptyVen 3 Juin 2011 - 10:48

Thank you Frans for this article !
I never came accross an expressive suction instrument, and I regret it, I would be pleased to try one.
Olivier talked about his big Mannborg, and the recordings he posted really are interesting, so is the disc of Schubert music by Klaas Hoek.
I think such instruments are even more rare in France than in Nederlands !
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harmonium aspirante et expression & double expression
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