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 HVN Annual Meeting 2011

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2 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

HVN Annual Meeting 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: HVN Annual Meeting 2011   HVN Annual Meeting 2011 EmptyMar 8 Nov 2011 - 8:15

HVN Annual Meeting

Saturday October 22nd we had our Annual Meeting in the Netherlands.

From 10:00 to 12:30 we had the member meeting, starting a small opening concert played on a Tomboise 2,5 rks French harmonium.

Our secretary decided a few years ago that he would terminate his position as a secretary. However we managed to convince him to stay on the board as an advisor. He was honored with a king size "glichée" (a artprint).

After lunch we browsed the (small) collection of reed organs and harmoniums. A Mannborg suction with expression and a keyboard split at e1/f1; A Hamilton reed organ (American) fully restored, however fitted with German stopfaces; a nice Bell Guelph fitted with the patented mouseproof pedals (on request of the most rev. mr. Tony), an unknown very early French harmonium fitting "flat top".

Then came the annual concert.
Jan van Mol (Antwerp, Belgium) harmonium, and Ad van Sleuwen (prof. of music at the Tilburg Conservatory Fontys) playing an Erard Concert Grand of 1850, with straight strings and NO 'Gusseisenrahm" but a steel frame.

We were treated with:

* Sympony-Cantate "Ariane" op. 53 Alexandre Guilmant, harmonium & piano
* Final alla Schuman sur un Noël Languedocien, op. 83 Alexandre Guilmant, harmonium & piano
* Polonaise, opus 26 nr 1, Frédéric Chopin, piano solo
* Cantique de Jean Racine, opus 11, Gabriel Fauré; arr. P.C.Bron Sr., harmonium & piano
* La Patrouille, opus 135 Louis J.A. Lefébure-Wely, harmonium & piano
* From: Six Morceaux caractéristiques, op. 3, "La fète villageoise" Alphonse Mailly, harmonium solo
* Prélude, Fugue et Variation, op 18, César Franck; harmonium & piano
* Le Freischütz de C.M. Weber, Ignace X.J. Leybach, harmonium solo
* Ouverture zur Oper "Das Nachtlager von Granada" K. Kreutzer, bearbeitet von August Reinhard, harmonium & piano

This is the first slide show showing the Annual Meeting.
You can view the pictures by clicking the link below.
There are 3 options to view:

* Slide show at 800 pixels
* Manual browsing at 800 pixels
* Manual browsing and click the loupe below the picture and see the image at full size (ca. 5 mb each)


Enjoy the images!!


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1216
Age : 46
Localisation : Toulouse & sud-Aveyron
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

HVN Annual Meeting 2011 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HVN Annual Meeting 2011   HVN Annual Meeting 2011 EmptyMar 8 Nov 2011 - 9:25

Sounds like a very nice concert and quite an interesting meeting !

I never heard about this Tomboise builder. Does someone else have informations about these instruments ? Other items know ?

Thank you Frans !!!
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HVN Annual Meeting 2011
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