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 Prelude, Prelude, Prelude & Sarabande......

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 181
Age : 70
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2010

Prelude, Prelude, Prelude & Sarabande...... Empty
MessageSujet: Prelude, Prelude, Prelude & Sarabande......   Prelude, Prelude, Prelude & Sarabande...... EmptyVen 6 Jan 2012 - 14:51

In a number of familes in the reed organ community there seems to be a grumbling discomfort about starting a class-act against www.harmoniumnet.nl

Some of the ladies of the manor have decided that no new expensive compact discs can be purchased.

It is only 3 weeks ago that a Christmas disc was issued and promoted ( cd-59 A Canadian Xmas)
And next a few days later there was a disc full of very modern music ( cd-57 Up There Trio)
And yet a few days later we now have a Bach recording (cd60 - Das alte Jahr vergangen ist)

And at that moment the aforementioned ladies made a decision. No more discs!

What a pity, the Master of the Manor already is eager to know about the next one:

Baroque, Brass & Blues ( cd-58 Noorderlicht)
And of course the brutality: a 2cd album (cd 61 Franck l'oeuvre d'Harmonium)

Okay, you can't have them all. ( cd-61 is almost sold out, so hurry!)

ALL of the discs mentioned are harmonium, harmonium, harmonium, harmonium, and some voice and a few other instruments.

And we spotted a few new ones in the meantime.....

Maybe I should add some links to marriage counselers..... :-)

All of the discs can be seen - and heard - in the Luister page at www.harmoniumnet.nl

Ooops, almost forgot to tell you:
At the page of cd-60 there is also an article on musicology: how to play and why.......


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