Jaakko Järvelä
Nombre de messages : 82 Age : 50 Localisation : Kaustinen, Finland Date d'inscription : 04/09/2011
| Sujet: Milla Viljamaa: - Miss Marple's Tango Mer 11 Jan 2012 - 19:27 | |
| Hi all Attached link takes you to youtube where Finnish reed organ/piano player Milla Viljanmaa plays Miss Marple's Tango using Mannborg folding organ from 1931 serial number 50134. I returned this instrument back into use at 2007 and it's nice to see and hear that it is in good use. It needed fixing of leg mechanism, case, new bellows, tuning to 442Hz and some other tinkering and woodworking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdUUDowRjiQ&feature=relatedBest Regards Jaakko | |