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 What register is nr. 6 in the bass?

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2012

What register is nr. 6 in the bass? Empty
MessageSujet: What register is nr. 6 in the bass?   What register is nr. 6 in the bass? EmptyMer 7 Nov 2012 - 20:16

Hello everyone,

I'm having trouble understanding what register should be used when nr 6 is asked for in the bass.
Karg-Elert uses this register at some times.

I always thought it refers to the 6 contrebasse (=2 bourdon, but lowest octave only) which is found on some instruments.
This week however I have found 2 cases which suggest something different.

first example:

(last system) What does he mean with 16'p? the lowest octave is not used at all in this passage, except for some few notes...

second example:
page 90 of the pdf: Méta 6 is called for in the bass...the lowest octave isn't used at all.

Maybe Titz included a second 16' in the bass.

any ideas??

UPDATE! Christoph came up with the answer, many thanks for your help!!

Hi Nils,

K-E made a few "Flüchtigkeitsfehler" (small mistakes) in the registrations

However, the 6 in the bass is for K-E a rank that is the continuation of the musette on the right side of the instrument. You can find this information in "Die Kunst des Registrierens" (Druckluftsystem) on page 253.

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What register is nr. 6 in the bass?
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