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 Schiedmayer Dominator series: Harmonium-Celesta

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Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta Empty
MessageSujet: Schiedmayer Dominator series: Harmonium-Celesta   Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2010 - 14:46

NEW on the website:

Schiedmayer DOMINATOR

Since "Dominator' is the name of a range of instruments I needed more space to present this instrument to you.
Some of the Dominator instruments are harmonium only, a true Art Harmonium.

This range also featured the combination of harmonium and celesta. On the page two of them. One with keyboards C-c4 and one with 5 3/4 octaves ranging from AA to f4. Both Celestas are full scale all over the keyboard. Image an AA reaching in the 8' sound. (A celesta is 4' in tone when it starts at C (CC for Anglosaxons)

I am working vigourisly to translate it in Engish, so for now you need Google to translate, or Babelfish. Whatever you choose, the translation will be ^%^&&%$#@

And taadaaa here it is: http://www.harmoniumnet.nl/schiedmayer-dominator.html

Enjoy it!

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Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer Dominator series: Harmonium-Celesta   Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta EmptyMar 24 Aoû 2010 - 10:13

Today I have added some pictorial material to the page :


The page has now 31 full size pictures to see what a Dominator is...



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Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Schiedmayer Dominator series: Harmonium-Celesta   Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta EmptyJeu 26 Aoû 2010 - 19:44

Yes, we have finished the ‘übersetzung / traduction / vertaling ’ into English.

I am talking about the Dominator page.

And even now there is a little gimmick:




are NOT exactly the same.

On the English edition there are more pictures and diagrams.

And it has a link to pictures of the inside of a Celesta according the Mustel patent and still produced by the present Schiedmayer Company.

Enjoy it.


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Schiedmayer Dominator series:  Harmonium-Celesta Empty
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Schiedmayer Dominator series: Harmonium-Celesta
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